Every year St. Mark’s offers an opportunity for adults who want to understand the history, heritage, theology, practices, and commitments of the Cathedral, the Episcopal Church and the wider Anglican community to study these things in Episcopal 101 and 201. 101 is more introductory, and 201 going more in depth. You are welcome to join…
A time to gather and get to know other LGBTQ+ Saint Markans over delicious food! We'll be gathering for a potluck brunch today! Bring what you can to share!
Taking time to be a part of a nurturing faith community is a gift to yourself and to others. We learn, laugh, and share over a light supper. Conversations at tables of 8 help us learn to listen and appreciate each other. This Fall we explore together key aspects of The Call to Serve, through…
This is a small group opportunity that combines study of Scripture with reflection on our spiritual lives. Focusing on the Gospel selection prescribed for the upcoming Sunday, we ask three questions, reading the passage each time. Read the Gospel – What word(s), idea(s), or phrase(s) stand out for you? Read the Gospel – What is…
Gina Christ (Senior Warden) and John Satterberg (Junior Warden) will lead conversations this morning, with focus on Property Committee updates. Also, conversations ‘round the tables will continue with opportunity to express our hopes for the future as we move forward together.
As we reach out, spending time in fellowship with our marginalized neighbors, we offer eight Connecting Circles for the next program year. The model for the Circles is to be a place where intentional listening and sharing can build a robust beloved community. We will reflect on the testimonies of St. Markans that have a…
Thursdays, Oct. 10 & 24; November 11 & 21 | 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Saint Mark's Whipple Chapel Surrender to the sound of sacred voice, crystal bowls, gongs, drums, chimes and more to clear energetic blockages and enter into a deeply restorative & meditative state. Sound Healing is a practice that uses sound…
This is a small group opportunity that combines study of Scripture with reflection on our spiritual lives. Focusing on the Gospel selection prescribed for the upcoming Sunday, we ask three questions, reading the passage each time. Read the Gospel – What word(s), idea(s), or phrase(s) stand out for you? Read the Gospel – What is…
Every year St. Mark’s offers an opportunity for adults who want to understand the history, heritage, theology, practices, and commitments of the Cathedral, the Episcopal Church and the wider Anglican community to study these things in Episcopal 101 and 201. 101 is more introductory, and 201 going more in depth. You are welcome to join…
Now that the election has ended, hear from Jay Phelan as he teaches about the intersection of Church and State and what that means for us as Christians in general, and Saint Markans in particular.
The next St. Mark’s Newcomers’ Connection gathering will be held at the Cathedral following the 10:30 service Sunday, November 10. This 45-minute gathering is an opportunity to become better acquainted with the life of the Cathedral and meet some of the leaders as well as other newcomers. It’s a chance to ask questions about the…
Second Sunday of every month is St. Mark’s Sunday to support the Community Meal at Plymouth Congregational Church. We need volunteers. If you can contribute your time on Sunday, please contact Drisana or Ian Iverson by indicating your interest and contact information via SEND@ourcathedral.org. When: Please arrive at your preferred time depending on which tasks…
As we reach out, spending time in fellowship with our marginalized neighbors, we offer eight Connecting Circles for the next program year. The model for the Circles is to be a place where intentional listening and sharing can build a robust beloved community. We will reflect on the testimonies of St. Markans that have a…
Where: Saint Marks | The Heritage Room Time: 10 - 11 a.m. Join us as Groveland’s Sharon Abel speaks about the inside workings and details of this long-time Minneapolis food shelf. Saint Mark’s was one of the foundational supporters of the food shelf, which began its work in the early 1970s. Groveland’s mission is “Feed…
Spend time with other women of Saint Mark’s, getting acquainted, sharing facilitated discussion, exploring what may come next in our lives together. Bring a simple food item to share, as you are able. Questions? Contact Joanne Rahm, jrahm61@comcast.net.
This is a small group opportunity that combines study of Scripture with reflection on our spiritual lives. Focusing on the Gospel selection prescribed for the upcoming Sunday, we ask three questions, reading the passage each time. Read the Gospel – What word(s), idea(s), or phrase(s) stand out for you? Read the Gospel – What is…
Now that the election has ended, hear from Jay Phelan as he teaches about the rise of Christian Nationalism and what that means for us as Christians in general, and Saint Markans in particular.
Every year St. Mark’s offers an opportunity for adults who want to understand the history, heritage, theology, practices, and commitments of the Cathedral, the Episcopal Church and the wider Anglican community to study these things in Episcopal 101 and 201. 101 is more introductory, and 201 going more in depth. You are welcome to join…
Thursdays, Oct. 10 & 24; November 11 & 21 | 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Saint Mark's Whipple Chapel Surrender to the sound of sacred voice, crystal bowls, gongs, drums, chimes and more to clear energetic blockages and enter into a deeply restorative & meditative state. Sound Healing is a practice that uses sound…
This coming November and December, Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral (SMEC) is partnering with St. Paul's Episcopal Church on Lake of the Isles (St. Paul's), with the support of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota (ECMN), St. Clement's Episcopal Church, and other neighboring parishes, to celebrate two very special services with importance for the LGBTQ+ community: Transgender…
This is a small group opportunity that combines study of Scripture with reflection on our spiritual lives. Focusing on the Gospel selection prescribed for the upcoming Sunday, we ask three questions, reading the passage each time. Read the Gospel – What word(s), idea(s), or phrase(s) stand out for you? Read the Gospel – What is…
Saturday, October 26 and November 23. 9 – 10 am, Library. The Cathedral’s men’s group has been in abeyance for some years. Recently there have been discussions about reconstituting this important ministry. We are inviting all the men of Saint Mark’s to participate in this effort to provide to the men of Saint Mark’s: Fellowship…
Every year St. Mark’s offers an opportunity for adults who want to understand the history, heritage, theology, practices, and commitments of the Cathedral, the Episcopal Church and the wider Anglican community to study these things in Episcopal 101 and 201. 101 is more introductory, and 201 going more in depth. You are welcome to join…
This is a small group opportunity that combines study of Scripture with reflection on our spiritual lives. Focusing on the Gospel selection prescribed for the upcoming Sunday, we ask three questions, reading the passage each time. Read the Gospel – What word(s), idea(s), or phrase(s) stand out for you? Read the Gospel – What is…