Message From Bishop Craig Loya 8.2.24

Dear People of St. Mark’s,

The story of scripture is the story of God’s project to heal a broken world with the power of love. As the people of God, we exist for the sole purpose of joining our lives to that project. As communities of faith, our mission is not simply to exist, or survive, but to join ourselves fully to the God whose generosity knows no limits. Our purpose is to be part of offering God’s healing love to the world, and drawing more and more people into God’s healing embrace.

Three months ago we made a series of hard decisions to help put us in a more sustainable long-term financial position as we look to our cathedral’s future. The finance team, the provost, the wardens, the council, and the staff have all worked very hard to reduce the projected deficit in our budget. While we are still projecting a small deficit, we are in a much better position to position today. And, we have reached the point where simply cutting more expenses will begin to unravel our capacity to do the ministry to which we are called.

I learned a long time ago that financial challenges are rarely solved by only asking financial questions. Financial challenges can only be fully addressed by asking vision questions, by boldly discerning what the God whose love is stronger than even death longs for in and through our cathedral community.

As we continue to move through this season of change, the time has come for us to begin asking what are the unique ways we at St. Mark’s are called to engage God’s project to heal the world with love. As we continue to lay the foundation for a good dean’s search, the time has come for us to begin to share our dreams with one another about what, and who, we might become, in the power of the Spirit.

In the months to come, I will be working closely with the stewardship committee, the council, and others to host a series of gatherings where we can continue the work of naming our longings and hopes for who we are to become. As that process unfolds, I hope every member of St. Mark’s will plan to participate. We are always, always, better together, and everyone’s voice matters so very much.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, that forms the center of our faith, remind us that with God, there is nothing that is not possible.

We have an extraordinary community, we are blessed in this moment with extraordinary leadership, and as I look with you toward God’s future, I am filled with gratitude, hope, and joy for all that God will continue to do in, with, and through us.


The Right Reverend Craig Loya

Bishop of Minnesota

Church in Minnesota