Returning in October: Round Table Wednesdays

Maundy Thursday Community Meal

October 16, 23, and 30, 6:00– 8:00 pm

We want YOU to join the Round Table gathering for a meal, fellowship, and learning.

Taking time to be a part of a nurturing faith community is a gift to yourself and to others. We learn, laugh, and share over a light supper.

Conversations at tables of 8 help us learn to listen and appreciate each other. This Fall the topics center around “The Call to Serve”.

Planned discussion questions allow for sharing individual experiences and ideas to reflect on the topic of the evening.

Round Table starts with a social time, a soup meal, brief presentation, table discussion, and ends with Compline….all in 2 hours!

Name tags, assigned table seating and a structured program all are designed to make both “new and old” St. Markan’s feel welcomed and comfortable.

Consider adding the 3 Fall Round Tables to your Wednesday evenings.  Welcome back to all our returnees and we welcome all new participants. Online registration is necessary for accurate food planning and room set up. Please see below.

Comments from past attendees:

“Love the social time to chat and enjoy munchies”

“Always new challenges and things to think about with the presentations and discussions”

“Feels like supper with the family”

“Homemade soups and desserts are not to be missed”

“I have gotten to know folks on a deeper level”

No cost. Visit the calendar event for further details and registration:

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