
Becoming a Member

Becoming a Member

Exploring Life at Saint Mark's

To best support your unique connection to Saint Mark’s, we will help you explore life as part of the Cathedral congregation. We have a diverse team of companions to walk with you and to assist you in connecting in whatever ways feel most appropriate at this stage of your life.

Becoming a Member

We welcome you into the community of Saint Mark’s and are delighted that you’re interested in deepening your relationship with Jesus! Please know that our desire is to support and guide you on your pathway of faith, which can lead to membership, but membership is not the main goal. The main goal for each of us is to grow as a disciple of Jesus.

We encourage you to take advantage of any number of opportunities to discover more about who we are, and in doing so, you may discover more about yourself and your unique wants and needs for community support, encouragement, and maybe even mutual accountability. Our aim is to help you identify meaningful ways for you to stretch your understanding of neighbor and to practice loving service with them in ways that both affirm and challenge you and that contribute to the building up of the kingdom among us.

Our spiritual heritage is Benedictine, which encourages the nurture of a balanced life lived faithfully in the world and nourished by the daily practices of prayer, study, and service. Through prayer, study, and service, Saint Mark’s members and friends are encouraged to practice a ‘rule of life’ dedicated to falling in love with God and with each other. Shaped by the three-fold Benedictine spiritual framework of stability, obedience, and conversion of life, we seek ‘solid ground’ in a changing and turbulent world, we seek ‘guidance’ amidst myriad concerns and distractions, and we seek ‘growth and maturity’ as disciples of Jesus.


Prayer, Study & Service

The practice of Benedictine spirituality offers a focus for a balanced life that includes aspects of prayer, study and service, as part of daily life. We encourage members of Saint Mark’s to focus on a regular rhythm of life that includes:

Prayer: Attending worship regularly, in person and virtually, and cultivate a personal life of prayer to attune your heart and mind to God’s heart and mind.

Study: Reading some portion of Scripture daily and engage in ongoing classes and small groups that develop a personal practice of study, considering both the past and present thinking about church and the world, to better understand God and God’s world.

Service: Participating in God’s mission and manifest your faith for the common good. In your daily life, there may be many ways that you are serving others within your personal community.

Growing and Connecting


Newcomer Gathering

Each month, we offer a gathering for all who are new and beginning to explore Saint Mark's and the Episcopal church. The gathering is held at 12 p.m. in the Heritage Room on the second Sunday of each month.


Episcopal 101

Episcopal 101 is the initial five-part series for learning more about the Episcopal church, our history and our structure, and about Saint Mark’s in particular. This series is offered twice during the program year, and registration is required.


Discipleship Groups

Consider joining a small group to build relationships within the community and grow as a follower of Jesus. Groups are formed in the Fall, Winter and Spring on a variety of topics. Groups meet weekly either in person or online. Days of week and times vary.


Identity & Interest Groups

Small groups provide the opportunity to connect with other people in a manner that is deeper than a regular hospitality gathering. Information about the variety of groups Saint Mark’s offers may be found here.


Round Table Dinner & Discussion

A dinner and discussion series offered occasionally on Wednesday evenings, in person at Saint Mark’s. Winter 2023 dates are Jan 25, Feb 1 and 8. Registration is required for this series and will be available soon.

Additional Information

Transfer of Membership

If you have been a member of a different Episcopal congregation, you may have your membership transferred to Saint Mark’s. Please contact your former church and request a transfer to the attention of Mary Lusk. While the Episcopal 101 classes are not required with a membership transfer, we believe that by attending those and other offerings, you will become better acquainted with our community and the common language that we share. And, we hope that you will celebrate your membership at Saint Mark’s by joining us on one of the Membership Sundays.

Submit a Pledge of Financial Support

Saint Mark's is a pledging community, in which every member commits a meaningful portion of their income to support the mission and ministry of this cathedral community. It is your financial support that ensures Saint Mark's is here both for you and for the world around us. To pledge, visit our Annual Giving page, or pick up a pledge card at the cathedral or call the cathedral business office at (612) 870-7800.

Membership Sundays

Membership Sundays are a time to share in a commitment with the congregation of Saint Mark’s during Sunday morning worship services. We offer this opportunity twice a year, late fall and spring.


For questions about Saint Mark's membership, contact Mary Lusk.
