There is One Body and One Spirit...
Baptism marks the beginning of a new life in Christ. We make vows to follow Jesus in the Way of Love and we commit to support each other in this lifelong transformation.
We pray for the gift of grace to stand back up when we stumble. We pray for the daily presence of the Holy Spirit to guide and sustain us. And we pray to be blessed with the gifts of inquiring and discerning hearts, with courage to will and to persevere, with a gentle spirit to know and to love God, and with the gifts of joy and wonder in all God's works.
At Saint Mark’s, Holy Baptism is celebrated during liturgies on All Saints' Sunday (November), the First Sunday of Epiphany (January), the Great Vigil of Easter (early spring, 7:30pm), and on the Feast of Pentecost (late spring).
Preparation for Parents of Infants and Children
Preparation for parents of children being baptized is hosted in two sessions, either in person or online. During that time we explore the theology of baptism as a moment of invitation, an initiation into the Christian life, and also as spiritual regeneration. We will also engage the Baptismal Covenant, discussing the implications of the vows the parents make, ask questions, and think about how the community supports the parents and the child as they grow up in the church. For more information, contact Siri Hustad.
Preparation for Teens and Adults
Teens and adults preparing for baptism are invited to prepare for confirmation or reception through one of the many formation offerings at Saint Mark's. Additionally, spiritual companions or mentors are employed as companions for the journey, helping to explore what baptism means for their every day lives. For more information on confirmation, reception, or formation offerings, contact Siri Hustad.
Baptism Information Form
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