What to Expect
What to Expect
Helpful information when visiting Saint Mark’s
We want you to feel welcomed and as comfortable as possible when visiting Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Minneapolis, so we’re providing some information to let you know what to expect.
If you enjoy your visit and would like to learn more about our faith community and opportunities to get involved, please follow the link to fill out our Get Connected form.

Our entire worship experience, from beginning to end, aims to connect us to the very heart and mind of God. You will find a variety of worship styles at various times on Sunday and throughout the week. Check out our schedule, and try each of them to find what best suits you!

Kids in Worship
Children of all ages are welcomed and encouraged to attend and experience the wonders of worship. If your family attends worship together, an option for soft seating is available near the art gallery hallway, in front of the lectern as well as in the balcony, which is accessed from the Narthex (entryway).

Our Nursery is staffed with trained caregivers for children from one to three years old. The nursery is open each Sunday morning from 8 a.m. - Noon and is located In the Children's Hall, just off the Nave door from the Art Gallery. Please provide us with your contact information and details of any specific needs for your child during their visit.

Holy Eucharist
All baptized Christians—no matter age or denomination or length of time since you last received the Eucharist—are welcome to receive communion. Episcopalians invite all baptized people to receive, not because we take the Eucharist lightly, but because we take our baptism so seriously.
Visitors who are not baptized Christians are welcome to come forward during the Communion to receive a blessing from the clergy.

Children and Youth Formation
Classes for ages 3 through high school are offered most Sundays at 9:15 a.m., and new students are always welcome! Learn more:
- Children 3 years through fifth grade
- Youth Group 6th-12th grade

Fellowship and Adult Formation
Every Sunday at 9 a.m. and throughout the morning, join us for refreshments in a casual setting to meet new people and reconnect with those you already know. You may find us on the Patio in the Courtyard, or inside in the Community Room on the first level.
During our program year, every Sunday at 9:15 a.m., we hold a Forum on a special topic in the Banquet Room and Episcopal 101 classes in the Heritage Room.