Advocacy Opportunity: Faith in Action at the Capitol
Tuesday, March 29 and Wednesday, March 30
Jesus believed in reaching out to those on the margins. Join the Joint Religious Legislative Coalition and advocate for Minnesotans on the margins.
JRLC Day on the Hill will be held via Zoom March 29 from 6:30–8:45 p.m. The evening will feature speaker Dr. Naheed Murad to discuss a key JRLC legislative issue on the racial issues around maternal morbidity rates. Additionally, we will discuss the 2023 Legislative Agenda. If you want to attend legislator visits with JRLC, those can be done in partnership with the Faith Leader Summit event the following day. Register for Day on the Hill here.
JRLC Faith Leader Summit will be held March 30 at Christ Lutheran on Capitol Hill, 105 University Ave, in the morning with a multi-faith prayer in the Rotunda and legislative visits in the afternoon. More info to follow, but if you have questions, please connect with Rachel Babbitt at