Dean Search

Dean Search

Follow the Search for Saint Mark's Next Dean

Saint Mark's is embarking on an important journey to find our next Dean. This process is an opportunity to reflect on our mission, values and vision for the future as we seek a leader who will guide us in faith and service.

We invite you to join us in prayer and participation as we move forward together in this search.

Updates and Next Steps

This page will be updated regularly as we move through the Dean search process. Please check back for announcements, resources and additional ways to get involved.

A Prayer for Transition

Almighty God, you know the needs of your Church in every
time and place. We, the people of St. Mark’s Cathedral, open
our hearts to your presence.
Guide us to see your hand at work among us and inspire us to
live into your calling with wonder and awe.

As we seek a Dean to walk alongside us, grant us
discernment, wisdom, and courage to trust in your timing.
Bless those who will lead this search with clarity of purpose,
mutual respect, and an abiding sense of your Spirit’s
direction. May they listen deeply to your voice and to the
hopes and needs of this community.

We pray for those who are seeking to serve as our next Dean.
Prepare our hearts and theirs to join us in sacred work, share
in mission, and lead with love, vision, and humility. Strengthen
us to walk together united in your purpose and empowered by
your grace.

Guide us in your mission to be Christ’s heart, hands, and feet,
serving our neighbors, embodying your love, and living
faithfully as your people in the world.
May we walk humbly, love mercy, and do justice as we
embrace the challenges ahead, reflecting on who we are
called to be and trusting in the abundant life you offer.
All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, who reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.

For questions about the Dean Search at Saint Mark's, contact us.
