Season Finale: Music of Hope and Remembrance

Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United States

he program will include Dona Nobis Pacem – Vaughan Williams Soprano Katie Boardman and Baritone Andrew Kane, St. Mark’s Cathedral Choir, Choral Society, and Orchestra, directed by Raymond Johnston. Tickets $25 at

Event Series Winter Round Table

Winter Round Table

Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United States

6 p.m. in the Community Room | 3 Consecutive Wednesdays in January  Saint Mark’s Community Room This ever-popular 3-week series focuses on building relationships over dinner and timely conversation topics, on  Wednesday, January 15, 22, and 29. Each week, guests will sit with the same table group to allow for deepening conversations and connections. Following the meal,…