Garden Love – Maintenance
Parking LotAwake, O north wind, Come, O south wind! Blow upon my garden, That its perfume may spread. Let my beloved come to his garden and enjoy its luscious fruits! - Song of Songs 4:16 Tanakh (NJPS) Wind, rain and warmth are continuing to affect the plants in the garden. The storms of the past week…
Midweek Holy Eucharist
All Saints ChapelHoly Eucharist | 12:15 p.m.; includes a casual homily in a comfortable setting. In person, All Saints Chapel.
Evening Prayer
NaveEvening prayer, Wednesdays at 5 p.m. for 30 minutes, Chancel.
Misa en Español
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United StatesMisa en Español (Worship in Spanish) | 5:30 p.m. In person, Nave.
Worship Service Rite I (Traditional Language) with Spoken Eucharist
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United StatesIn person at Saint Mark's, Nave.
Sunday Fellowship
Join us every Sunday morning at 9 a.m. and throughout the morning to build and deepen relationships and enjoy refreshments.
Worship Service Rite II (Contemporary Language)
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United StatesWith Choral Eucharist. In person and live stream.
Morning Prayer
ZoomMorning Prayer as part of the daily office | 7:30 a.m. Morning prayer opens our day to form a rhythm of regular prayer throughout the week. We meet on Zoom. Daily “offices” are a key element to how Christians have hallowed time for nearly two thousand years, forming a rhythm of regular prayer and praise throughout the week.
Midweek Holy Eucharist
All Saints ChapelHoly Eucharist | 12:15 p.m.; includes a casual homily in a comfortable setting. In person, All Saints Chapel.
Evening Prayer
NaveEvening prayer, Wednesdays at 5 p.m. for 30 minutes, Chancel.
Misa en Español
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United StatesMisa en Español (Worship in Spanish) | 5:30 p.m. In person, Nave.
Worship Service Rite I (Traditional Language) with Spoken Eucharist
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United StatesIn person at Saint Mark's, Nave.