Misa en Español
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United StatesMisa en Español (Worship in Spanish) | 5:30 p.m. In person, Nave.
Worship Service Rite I (Traditional Language) with Spoken Eucharist
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United StatesIn person at Saint Mark's, Nave.
Sunday Fellowship
Join us every Sunday morning at 9 a.m. and throughout the morning to build and deepen relationships and enjoy refreshments.
Sunday Morning Youth Gathering
Youth RoomJoin us every Sunday morning from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. in the Youth Room for relevant conversation and a chance to reconnect. There may also be donuts.
Godly Play for Children 3 Years – Third Grade
Godly Play | An approach to spiritual engagement, learning and discovery based in sacred stories of Christianity, spiritual practices, and Montessori principles. Godly Play for Children 3 years through 3rd Grade, every first and third Sunday at 9:15 – 10:15 a.m., St Mark’s Children’s Hall.
Timely Topics with the Dean
Community Room 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United StatesTimely Topics with The Dean | Third Sunday of the month, 9:30 a.m. in the Community Room
Worship Service Rite II (Contemporary Language)
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United StatesWith Choral Eucharist. In person and live stream.
Abbey Way Worship Service
Whipple ChapelIn person, Whipple Chapel
Choral Evensong
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral 519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, United StatesIn person and live stream.
Gospel-Based Discipleship
ZoomUsing the gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday, GBD is an encounter with the gospel, using questions that encourage open discussion. The preacher for the upcoming Sunday may often be present to hear the impressions of the people. Zoom.
Morning Prayer
ZoomMorning Prayer as part of the daily office | 7:30 a.m. Morning prayer opens our day to form a rhythm of regular prayer throughout the week. We meet on Zoom. Daily “offices” are a key element to how Christians have hallowed time for nearly two thousand years, forming a rhythm of regular prayer and praise throughout the week.
Knitting Group
First and third Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., in person. With prayer and various handcraft tools, this group welcomes you to join in anytime.