Garden Love


“God took the Man and set him down in the Garden of Eden to work the ground and keep it in order.” (Genesis 2:13 , The Message)

The pollinator garden is responding nicely to the rain and warmer weather. The small fenced area in the center of the garden contains plants that need to be protected from hungry rabbits and deer. The blazing star in the protected area are starting to push through the mulch.

Upcoming garden activities:

Tuesday, May 21, 1-3pm

We will plant 41 native plants donated to the garden by Hennepin County Master Gardeners. Three Master Gardeners will be on hand to help congregation volunteers plant the donated plants. Home gardening questions are welcome whenever we are working on the garden.

Thursday, June 6, 11:30am-1:30pm

At the SAAGES summer picnic, Julie, our lead Master Gardener, will present a tour of the Pollinator Garden and answer questions. We will have a handout listing the plants in the garden.

Sunday, June 9 after 10:30 service (approximately Noon)

Bring an annual plant to add to the garden (we will suggest plant options that have worked well in the past). Plant a seed in peat pot and take for your home garden.

Tuesday, June 11, 10am-Noon

Weeding, garden maintenance.

Sunday, June 30, 3–6pm

Join with Master Gardeners to talk about the Pollinator Garden and offer Pride attendees garden plant information.

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