Gospel Based

Gospel Based Discipleship

Gospel Based Discipleship

Gospel Based Discipleship

Beginning Friday, October 4| 12:15 p.m. on Zoom

Sounds a bit heavy.  Like a class with a curriculum?  Not at all.  GBD resembles a Bible study, but without the study!

Gospel Based Discipleship happens online every Friday (with few exceptions) at 12:15.  We are a small group that meets to read a short passage from the Gospels and reflect on its meaning for our lives, both as individuals and as a community.

Gospel Based Discipleship poses three questions:

(1) What image or word from the reading stands out to me?

(2) What is the meaning of this passage?

(3) How can I respond to this message?

Here’s an opportunity to experience something new or, on the other hand, to ease into something familiar.  How many invitations can offer both at once?  All are welcome!

To learn more...   One model for GBD is found in the Anglican Church of Canada, where the practice emerged from ministry among native peoples.

Gospel Based Discipleship is not a formal Bible study.  There is a convener but no teacher.  Focusing on the Gospel selection prescribed for the upcoming Sunday, we ask the three questions, reading the passage each time.

Sharing our responses, we listen and learn. Members take away their own inspiration from an encounter with Jesus in the company of others who are seeking deeper discipleship.

 Access the Zoom link here.

For questions about Gospel Based Discipleship at Saint Mark's, contact John Ramsbottom.
