Small Groups this Fall at Saint Mark’s
In our Cathedral community, our life of faith is grounded in worship— gathering, celebrating, and then going out into the world to “love and serve the Lord.”
We are also committed to growing deeper in our relationship with God and with one another. One way we do this is through small groups focused on discipleship, as well as by exploring our identities and interests as Christians. The intimacy of such groups fosters connection and forms relationships that literally can change our lives. Our small groups offer safe and encouraging spaces to ask questions, deepen faith, and experience the grace of God in a tangible way, growing closer to others and to God.
Discipleship Groups
Spending Time with Scripture
Begins Wednesday, October 4 | 11 a.m. at Saint Mark’s
This group studies the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday. All are welcome to participate, from people who are new to Bible Study to people who have been studying Scripture for years. By spending time with Scripture together, we hope to be able to hear it speak to us more clearly and powerfully. While the Rev. Kent Rahm is the co-ordinator of this group, every participant is welcome to lead/facilitate a session as well.
The Gospel of Luke (Series)
Begins Thursday, October 5 | 7 p.m. at Saint Mark’s – Registration Required
This fall the entire Episcopal diocese has been invited to focus on the Gospel of Luke. The Gospel is part of a two-volume work, including the book of Acts, describing the life and ministry of Jesus and the early years of the church. Luke is an elegant and sophisticated writer and a consummate storyteller. In fact, Luke loves nothing so much as a good story. In addition to the stories about Jesus there are stories from Jesus—his parables. Some of the most beloved parables of Jesus are only found in Luke. Luke is also known for his strong female characters and for his attention to the marginal—the peasants, the poor, and the outcast. The cathedral will offer its own introduction to and study of the Gospel. This 5-week series will last about 60 minutes each week and will be facilitated by the Rev. Jay Phelan.
Gospel Based Discipleship
Begins Friday, October 6 | 12:15 p.m. on Zoom
This is a small group opportunity that combines study of Scripture with reflection on our spiritual lives. Focusing on the Gospel selection prescribed for the upcoming Sunday, we ask three questions, reading the passage each time. Sharing our responses, we listen and learn. Gospel Based Discipleship is not a formal Bible study. John Ramsbottom serves as convener, but there is no authoritative interpreter. Members take away their own inspiration from an encounter with Jesus in the company of others who are seeking deeper discipleship. The weekly meeting is 30 minutes in length.
Episcopal 101 (Series)
Begins Monday, October 9 | 6:30 p.m. on Zoom – Registration Required
This 4-week series is designed for people who are ready to learn more about the Episcopal church, or about Saint Mark’s, or would like a refresher! A fifth session is offered in person on Saturday, Nov. 4 and includes an instructed Eucharist, as well as opportunity to meet various ministry leaders. The Rev. Bryan Bliss is facilitator for this series.
Way of Love (Series)
Begins Tuesday, October 10 | 6:30 p.m. on Zoom – Registration Required
Do you wonder how to follow Jesus in a world in need of hope? The Way of Love invites us to learn practical disciplines that remind us of God’s Love for us and the invitation to share this Love with others. This small group is a great way to learn the steps to deepen your faith journey as well as get to know fellow Saint Markans. The 6-week series will be Tuesdays, October 10-November 14 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Zoom. Group leaders are Joan Olson and Lois Satterberg.
The Round Table (Series)
Begins Wednesday, October 18 | 6 p.m. – Registration Required
This year, the focus will be on Micah 6:8, “what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God?” The fall series discussion will be on the scriptural foundation of Micah’s words. Each of the three evenings begins with fellowship, followed by a simple meal, a brief presentation and then discussion ‘round the table with same table group each week. The evening closes with Compline. The whole church family is invited to participate, and the entire church family is also invited to share your “talents” – setting the table, doing the dishes, or pouring the beverages – this is a community evening!
Identity and Interest Groups
These groups are ongoing with regular gatherings and are available for anyone to join in at any time. The frequency and the content (social, learning, support and service) vary based on the focus and preferences of the group. The list below is not all-inclusive; details about these and other groups may be found at
Encouragement for Caregivers
Meets two Mondays a month, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Zoom. Contact John Satterberg,, for details.
Knitting Ministry
Meets first and third Tuesday of the month, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Saint Mark’s
Library. Contact for questions.
Facilitator – Rev. Sarah Hoch. Contact for details.
Men’s Ministry
Facilitator – Rev. Tim Kingsley. Contact for details.
Racial Equity and Justice
Coordinating Team meets monthly, with subgroups focused on particular areas of education, advocacy, and service. Facilitator – Mary Ramsbottom. Contact for details.
Spiritually Active Adults – Growing, Exploring, Serving is a group for those around
retirement age. SAAGES gathers almost every month, typically on Thursday mornings.
Coordinator – Christine Slater. Contact for questions.
Sunday Night Supper
A historic ministry providing meals in partnership with other downtown congregations. On the second Sunday of every month, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Contact Drisana and Ian
Iverson at with questions.
Children and Youth Program
Every Sunday at 9:15 a.m. Contact Rev. Bryan Bliss at
Parents and Family Ministry
Contact Rev. Bryan Bliss at for details.
Young Adult / Young Professionals
If you are in the age range of 22 into the 30s, we have a group for you. Contact Rev. Bryan Bliss at for details.