I am the Living Bread

Dear Saint Mark’s Community, This week I invite you to reflect deeply on the profound words of Jesus in John 6:51-58. In this passage, we encounter one of the most…

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The Call to Serve Launch

Fall 2024 – Spring 2025   Our Scriptural Guide Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself.”  (Matt 22: 37-39)…

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Concert: Letters to Jackie

Minnesota Tenor Ryan Townsend Strand is coming home to Minnesota for a major solo performance of original work. Strand will be performing  Letters To Jackie at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral…

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ECMN Mission Area Gathering

Beloved in Christ, All Episcopalians living and worshipping in the central and west metro are invited and encouraged to attend our spring mission area gathering! Each spring, we gather in mission areas across the diocese to meet one another, pray together,…

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