Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical Ministries
Your Time and Talents Make a Difference
We pray, we study, we serve – all part of the regular routine of life. Each of us may do those things individually and as a community. To support growth of a life of faith, Saint Mark’s has a variety of volunteer service opportunities that offer both learning and fellowship.

Altar Guild
The altar guild cares for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the cathedral. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards. Altar Guild members frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish with flowers.

Acolytes serve the liturgical needs of those worshipping. They lead processions, light candles, help the Deacon proclaim the Gospel and set the table, and generally make everything Holy.
We have adult acolytes and youth acolytes.

The verger is the master of ceremonies during a service. They direct everything happening and they help train new acolytes and eucharistic ministers. You can identify them by their big sticks (verges) they hold to clear the path during processions.

Eucharistic Minister
Eucharistic Ministers wait patiently during the entire liturgy to bear the cup of salvation to the faithful at communion. Eucharistic Ministry may be for you if you do not mind being upfront and personal and being in a public role. Eucharistic Ministers sometimes double duty as Acolytes.

Lectors read the scripture during the service. Our lectors are split into 6 teams where you only have to read once every 6 months. Reading scripture is an art and your lector team leader will help you in preparing for your reading. There is also an annual gathering of lectors to discuss best practices in reading in church.