United with LGBTQ Community


Dear Cathedral Community,

As I reflect on Mark 3:20-35, I am reminded of a powerful message about the unity of believers in Christ. Jesus speaks of the importance of unity within the family of God, emphasizing that those who do the will of God are truly his siblings.

In the midst of our journey as a community, I acknowledge the grief and pain that our city of Minneapolis faces due to gun violence. My heart aches for those who have been affected by these tragic events, and I lift all of them up in prayer, asking for healing and comfort during this and so many other difficult times.

As we enter Pride month, I recognize the joy and struggles of the LGBTQ+ community. Pride is a time to model radical love in our daily behavior and to celebrate love, diversity, and inclusivity. It is also a time to name and acknowledge the ongoing challenges and discrimination that LGBTQ+ individuals face. As a community, let us stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ siblings, affirming their inherent human dignity as beloved children of God. Show your solidarity by attending Pride Worship or participating in related events.

Live out the love and unity that Jesus exemplified, extending compassion and support to all who are hurting and marginalized. Together, may we continue to journey forward, guided by the light of Christ’s love and grace.

I invite you to join me in prayer and action as we embody the love of Christ in our community and beyond.

Blessings to you all,


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