A Sacred Journey Together: Lent 2024

The rituals and rhythms of Lent have been a part of the Christian faith from the beginning. Whether they are relatively new to you, or a part of your DNA, Lent invites us to pause, listen, and to remember. Though the days of Lent are marked out in linear fashion, they are also an invitation to enter more deeply into the good news of the Gospel. We hope that the liturgies and rituals of Lent will bring us closer to God and to each other, following the commandment to love God and love each other.
While It Was Still Dark
Thursday, Feb. 15, 22, 29 | 12 p.m.
Join us for this three-week series facilitated by The Rev. Mary Beth Farrell.
We tend to think of Easter as bright sunlight, flowers and new life all around us. While that is not wrong, we need to remember that the resurrection occurred while it was still dark, while there was no Jesus, no sign of life and reason for hope.
I am always inspired by those whose faith remains even when it is still dark. With this in mind, I invite you to join me in looking at the stories of Mary Magdalene, and Mary and Martha. Access the Zoom link here.
Experiencing and Exploring the Labyrinth
Wednesday, Feb. 21 | 5:30 p.m.
The Rev. Mary Beth Farrell and David Vaughan will lead a group of Saint Markan’s in walking the labyrinth in the Whipple Chapel. The Labyrinth is an ancient tool for walking meditation and spiritual pilgrimage. Join us to experience and explore the Labyrinth in this season of Lent.
Stations of the Cross
Wednesday, Feb. 28 | 5:30 p.m.
Stations of the Cross is a traditional Lenten devotional, dating to the 1600s and found in Anglican, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Methodist practice. If the liturgical calendar presents our lives as a pilgrimage, the Stations are one snippet of that walk: from Pilate’s Hall to the Cross, and from the Cross to the Tomb. Join us in the nave as we walk and pray the story of the Passion. Facilitated by The Rev. Sarah Hoch.
Pilgrimage to Easter: Experiencing the Great Three Days
Wednesdays, March 6, 13, 20 | 6:15 p.m.
Easter Sunday is the Great Feast of the Church. But did you know that Easter Sunday is the conclusion of an ancient Great Three Days of spiritual pilgrimage, prayer, and worship? During Lent we prepare for this celebration; join us for a shared contributive meal on the final three Wednesdays in Lent as we learn about the Great Three Days. We’ll explore the spirituality of these days, their prayers and liturgies, and become familiar with the ritual items that we will use together when we gather as a community at Saint Mark’s. Come Holy Week, you’re invited to join in worship for these Great Three Days and experience these practices and liturgies together. After Easter, there will be a time to reconvene and share our experiences of Easter.
Contributive Meal During Lent
Wednesdays, March 6, 13, 20 | 5:30 p.m.
These weeks during Lent are a time to share a meal together in the Community room, with opportunities for worship and for learning. Please come and bring a food item to share with those present. No registration necessary. The meal will begin around 5:30. We will work together for a simple set-up and clean-up. The meal timing is in-between Evening Prayer and the Lenten series “Pilgrimage to Easter,” and you may join in one or all opportunities.
Philosophy of Love
Thursdays, March 7, 14, 21 | 12 p.m.
Join Cathedral member Professor Charles Taliaferro for three meetings on the philosophy of love that will explore the Christian account of the power and order of love (Ordo Amoris), hate, forgiveness, reconciliation, heaven and hell. Charles will provide ideas for dialogue. Read his profile here. Access the Zoom link for the meeting here.
Spiritual Direction
Sunday, March 10 | 9:15 a.m.
What is Spiritual Direction? Join us in the Banquet Room for a presentation led by Spiritual Directors Joan Olson and Lowell Johnson. We will discuss the ways that the ancient practice of Spiritual Direction may bring new insights into your journey with God and become more aware of God’s presence in your daily lives and those around you.
Maundy Thursday Shared Meal
Thursday, March 28 | 6 p.m.
Please join us for a simple meal, as we gather to remember the Last Supper. Fellowship and the meal will begin at 6 p.m. The beginning portion of the Maundy Thursday liturgy will be shared in the Community Room, before moving to the Nave to complete the liturgy. Suggested donation $10; registration available here.